Monday, August 28, 2017

The "Holy Faith" of New Mexico

Santa Fe ("holy faith" in Spanish) is both the capital city and the jewel in the New Mexico crown. We briefly visited here back in 2010 - but this time we planned to stay for four nights and get a good look around. What a great place!

We love the adobe architecture that dominates Sante Fe. Traditional adobe brick (before it is plastered over) is made from earth mixed with an organic substance such as straw or even dung. I doubt that many of the modern structures in Santa Fe are built that way, but the look is emulated very well. All the downtown galleries, local shops and even many of the federal buildings are built with the ochre coloured plaster exteriors, flat roof and deeply recessed windows that characterise the adobe look. Here are some samples:

Brenda standing in the shade outside the Georgia O'Keeffe Art Gallery

So in the last couple of days we have walked the streets of downtown Santa Fe, we have visited untold numbers of art galleries, jewelry stores and boutique clothing outlets. The wallet is a lot lighter now!

The centre of town is dominated by the plaza with many street artisans, cafes and shops lining the square. Here are some pics:

Brenda chatting to one of the street artisans alongside the Plaza square
Local artists peddle their wares in the shade of the verandas surrounding the square

Other prominent landmarks include.....

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assissi
The Santuario de Guadalupe, built in 1777 - and still looking great
The Farmers Market - selling everything from produce to art
Brenda checking out the heirloom tomatoes inside the covered part of the market

Artisans and their varied artworks abound in Sante Fe. We visited many galleries and were very impressed with the range and quality of the works on display.

Even a public restroom can be a work of art!

The range of shopping options is immense. From cheap and colourful..... this range of garden ornaments, strands of dried chilli, and locally made rugs......
.... to this less colourful but more expensive Chinchilla fur coat (a bargain at $25,000)!

Sadly our time in this great city is coming to an end. Tomorrow we head west on our way to visit the Mesa Verde National Park with a stop first at a nice looking RV resort outside of Chama - in the very north of New Mexico.

If you haven't ever been to New Mexico (this land of enchantment) but you are lucky enough to do that some day - then make sure you visit its beautiful capital city - Santa Fe.

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